Leveled Production Planning
The primary task of production management is to determine every day what, where (at which workplace) and when is to be produced. Avoiding the confusion of a typical MRP/ERP-based planning, PPROI builds production plans by applying unique algorithms (adjusted to different types of processes) - creating realtime ROI-optimized “Territorially Leveled and Synchronized Plan” which allocate operators to production territories in line with plan requirements and workplace capacities.
Game-changing Impact
Our innovation provides a radically different solution to deficiencies of standard production planning and control systems by introducing a new way of mapping the production process, and a new way of real-time measurement of capital requirements for all Products, Processes, and Resources within the firm.
Unique features of PPROI plan
Plan for production flows within the team territory
Plan for lines not just isolated operations
Variant takt times according to the number of employees
Flexible production lots
Plan leveled in terms of operators capacities
Recommended number of workers in the territory
Equal workload distribution during the shift